Texas Family Law & Divorce Blogs
College Expense Planning During Divorce
Paying for Children’s College and Other Expenses College expense planning during divorce is an important consideration for couples. How will you pay for their college education? Are there extra-curricular activities such as sports camps, school science projects or...
Johnny Depp Domestic Violence Defamation Lawsuit
Defamation Lawsuit Resulting from Domestic Violence Accusations Domestic violence is an issue that divorce lawyers often address. In particular, if domestic violence occurred, it can influence the outcome of child custody. In the case of Johnny Depp and his ex-wife...
If a Spouse Dies During Divorce What Happens with the Divorce Process?
How does a spouse’s death affect a divorce proceeding? If a spouse dies during divorce, the legal process takes a different turn. While many couples have estate planning documents in place to deal with death, other couples might not. Even so, decisions about how the...
Divorce Rates Are Higher for Couples Meeting Online
Meeting online may not lead to long marriage Divorce rates are higher for couples meeting online, recent study statistics show. Yet, online meetings are the most popular way to meet a potential mate or spouse in today's world. Study Findings Married couples who met...
Texas Adoption—What You Should Know
Navigating the Texas Adoption Process Texas adoption, like adoption in all states, is a legal process. While a lawyer can explain the process and guide you through the steps, a basic understanding can be a big help. Attorney Lindsey J. Wilson and her brother...
The Value of a Prenuptial Agreement
Make a prenup part of your Valentine's Day wedding plans A prenuptial agreement (prenup) can help you avoid issues that could arise during your marriage. Everyone goes into marriage with the idea of making it last. In fact, as Valentine's Day approaches, it can...
What if divorced parents disagree on Covid-19 vaccinations for children?
Deciding whether or not to vaccinate your kids for covid-19 Covid-19 vaccinations for children can become a contentious issue for some divorced parents. If they can't reach an agreement, their dispute could wind up in court. According to a KVUE ABC news report, the...

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Law Office of Lindsey J. Wilson
4305 Windsor Centre Trl, Ste 500
Flower Mound, Tx 75028

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